
Published every two months, each issue presents articles and columns that cover the latest and most interesting aspects of physiotherapy. Members may read Physio Matters on our website; a link to the most recent issue is sent out in the monthly email newsletter.

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Send completed advertising booking forms (found above) to the editor, If the due date falls on a weekend or a holiday, please supply by the closest working day before.

Advertising in Physio Matters does not constitute endorsement of a product and no advertiser may use publication of an advertisement in the magazine to support the marketing of every product. All advertising material is subject to approval prior to inclusion.


We welcome contributions from our members on topics relevant to our industry. The editor reserves the right to edit material for space and clarity, and to withhold material from publication. Individual views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ). Send editorial items to the editor,


Material in Physio Matters may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Physiotherapy New Zealand.

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