Physiotherapy New Zealand

Scholarship Trust Fund and ML Roberts Prize

Scholarship Trust Fund

The Scholarship Trust Fund is the funding source administered by Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ). The Scholarship Trust Fund was established in 1980 to promote, encourage and assist members carry out physiotherapy research and contribute to physiotherapy education in New Zealand. The committee meets annually to consider applications to the fund and decide on allocations of funding.

Applications for the 2023 Scholarship Trust Fund grant round closed on 20 September. With announcements about the next grant round being made later in 2024, please email any questions about the fund to For reference please also read the Scholarship Trust Information for Applicants and Scholarship Trust Fund Application Form.

Donate to the Physiotherapy Scholarship Trust

The Trust Deed stipulates that the capital must be retained and only interest can be used for grant grounds. To continue to build the capital and ensure we can offer an annual grant round we need to build the fund. 

This is a by physio for physio fund. 

The PNZ Executive have agreed to reinstate the optional donation to ensure that we can build the Physiotherapy Scholarship Trust capital to meet current and future needs for the profession. 

$50 Donation

To donate $50 to the Physiotherapy Scholarship Trust, please click here

$100 Donation

To donate $100 to the Physiotherapy Scholarship Trust, please click here

Please note that an official donation receipt will be sent out within two weeks following the end of the month of the donation.

If you wish to donate another amount to the Scholarship Trust, please contact

ML Roberts Prize

The ML Roberts Prize was introduced in 1985 from a bequest from the estate of Mary Roberts, one of the early principals of the University of Otago School of Physiotherapy, to support and encourage student research. An annual prize is given to the student or group of students submitting the best research project as part of their final year programme.

There is a small grant as part of the prize and PNZ membership for the following year. The prize is offered at all New Zealand physiotherapy schools, with winners determined between each university and PNZ. While the bequest funds initiated the prize PNZ fully funds the awards in recognition of this important physiotherapy pioneer.

Page updated June 2024